Waco Lake Embankment Repair and Shoreline Stabilization, USACE, Omaha District

As managing member of the LRS EMR Joint Venture, LRS managed a time-critical embankment repair/riprap placement for USACE at Waco Dam and Reservoir located 2 miles west of Waco, TX. USACE operates and maintains Waco Lake and Reservoir for public safety amongst other needs. LRS facilitated, coordinated, and oversaw the embankment repair and riprap placement activities to ensure contract compliance.

Historic rain events inundated the State of Texas during the months of May 2015 through June 2016, elevating the water levels within 23 out of 25 lake projects in the Fort Worth District’s AOR into flood pool operations. Embankments at Waco Lake were scoured due to the high-water stages and any further erosion would impact critical infrastructure in the nearby proximity. Stockpiled riprap was utilized for the repair for cost and time efficiency purposes.

Immediately following completion of embankment repair/riprap placement activities, the project site sustained severe flooding due to a series of heavy rain events. Once the flooding receded, riprap placed in the Repair Areas remained in place, thus providing evidence that the project was successful in preventing further erosion.

Construction Value: $350K

Seth Hoffman

Seth is the Owner & Creative Director at Known Creative.


NEPA Support, Raleigh Veterans Affairs


Construction Management and Engineering Consulting Services, Jefferson Barracks, St. Louis VAMC